"If there is any wisdom running through my life now in my walking on this earth, it comes from listening to the Great Silence of the stones, trees, space, wild animals, and to the pulse of all life as my heartbeat"
Vijali Hamilton.
Spiritual Rewilding & Jonathan
Spiritual Rewilding has been developed by Jonathan Weekes to offer pathways that guide people into deeper connection with the land, with the sacred and with themselves so that we can grow earth-centred spiritual paths that meet the needs of these times of change.
Jonathan has been sharing talks, workshops, training courses and residential retreats for over a decade, working with ancient and contemporary practices to empower individuals and groups to find balance and wellbeing through attunement to the rhythms of nature, working with the land as our teacher and the spirits as our guide, to heal and deepen our relationship with the wild spirit of the land and with the sacred.
Jonathan has also been strongly involved in environmental activism, bringing ceremony, visioning and sacred connection into our efforts for change, to help ground activists and activism in its deeper purpose and support the shifts and transformations that are a necessary part of that.
The Spiritual Rewilding online course was developed to guide you through various pathways for re-attuning yourself to the rhythms of nature, to heal and deepen our sacred relationship with the land.
About Jonathan
Jonathan is an experienced teacher, ceremonialist and sacred activist. He has shared his work all around the UK, connecting people with the land through ceremony and sacred practice.
Influenced by training in contemporary shamanic practice and Druidry, as well as learning from indigenous teachers in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Jonathan believes that healing our connection to the land, to the ancestors and to the sacred is fundamental for our own wellbeing, and collectively for navigating our way through these times of change.
Jonathan is the Founder of Heron Drums, who have shared the simple yet powerful magic of the Shamanic Drum for bringing us into deeper connection with ourselves, with each other and with the spirit of the land.
Jonathan is also the co-Founder of Sacred Earth Activism, a non-profit organisation that works to support environmental campaigns and change-movements in grounding their efforts in sacred practice and connectedness.