“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
Albert Einsteen
Spiritual Rewilding
What is Spiritual Rewilding?
Spiritual Rewilding is a journey of reconnecting with our wild selves, and remembering our interconnectedness with the rest of the web of life, with the natural world and with the sacred.
One of the major sicknesses of our society is the sickness of separation - separation from ourselves, from each other, from the natural world and from the sacred. We can see how this separation impacts our physical and mental health, our relationships and communities, and the effect our way of life has on the lives of the other-than-human beings with whom we share this planet.
This cultural wound of separation has been deepening for a long time, building the “modern” “civilised” world, and has taken us further and further from our true selves. Much of who we are has been shaped by a modern world, that distances and separates itself from nature, and we have forgotten that we come from the Earth, from the land, and from an attunement to its wild spirit. Now is the time for healing and for reconnecting with our wild selves - now is the time for Spiritual Rewilding.
Reconnecting with our Wild Selves
The idea conjures up images of running barefoot in the woods, covered in mud and twigs, and howling at the moon... and why not?! But reconnecting with our wild selves speaks more of a shift on the inside, and is more to do with a way of being rather than what we are doing.
Through healing our relationship with the natural world, not only understanding that we are connected and a part of it, but truly embodying that, listening deeply and feeling its rhythms and songs in our bones, and returning to a sacred relationship of honouring the Earth.
Re-Awakening our Ancient Earth Honouring Traditions
With the glimpses we have into the magical practices of our ancestors, we can see that they lived with a respect and appreciation for the living spirit of the land, and of the wild places, and held the land sacred. We can see that they knew how to communicate with these spirits and seek their guidance and strength in this life.
By reconnecting with the old ways and practices, we can once again grow a living spiritual practice that honours our deep connection and relationship to the spirit of the land.
Re-Weaving our Sacred Connection with the Land
To grow earth-centred spiritual paths that meet the needs of these times of change, Spiritual Rewilding shares with you practices and perspectives for your daily life that will help you reawaken your lived connection as part of the natural world. Through the various pathways, working with shamanic and animistic techniques, to reconnect with the wild spirit within us, meet the wild spirit of the land and recover and heal our sacred relationship with the other-than-human world.