Why it’s time to start getting Wild

getting wild, spiritual connection with the land

Welcome to the Spiritual Rewilding Blog, which will grow to include many resources and additional information and discussions around the topics covered on this page and related courses.

Spiritual Rewilding has grown out of the years of teaching in earth-centred spiritual practices, shamanism and sacred activism, into an approach that is appropriate to our times, and is still growing!

Over the years, I have taught people all around the country how to deepen their connection with the land, with the rhythms of nature and build a sacred relationship. In these times when our society is so detached from nature, these practices and approaches have been so important in helping us live more rooted and connected lives

In light of the harm our society continues to inflict on the rest of the living world, I have also been strongly supportive of environmental campaigns, and worked to weave ceremony and sacred holding within the efforts for change and protection of our environment and ecosystem.

Over the years, it has become ever clearer that these two threads are not separate, but part of healing a collective wound that we share in this society, where we have become disconnected from ourselves, from one another, from the land and from the sacred.

Now is time for our spiritual paths and practices to evolve, to be part of the needs for this time in repairing our relationship with the living world, de-conditioning ourselves from the mindsets that have created deepened this collected wound, and Rewild ourselves Spiritually, to re-attune ourselves to the rhythm of nature.

Many of us that embark on spiritual paths are instinctively looking to heal this wound of disconnection, and on earth-centred paths, we are often looking to re-connect with the spirit of the land.

On the Spiritual Rewilding courses, I continue to teach earth centred spiritual approaches and animistic spirit-work practices, but in a way that focuses on their relevance to these times, and how we can be a part of a greater shift of remembering our inter-connectedness with the rest of the living world around us.

This starts with connecting with our Wild Self!
This starts with Getting Wild!

Make sure to follow our social media pages, Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok, and sign up to our newsletter for updates, learn more via our courses, and join us on our events in future.

Spiritual Rewilding is continuing to grow and develop all the time, and if you’re interested in exploring more about this topic, do please get in touch.


“Repairing the World”