Wild Rhythms and Forest Bathing: Connecting with the Spirit of Spring

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, as we see new growth emerging from the ground, buds forming on trees, and flowers blooming in vibrant colours. It is a season of hope, as the darkness of winter fades away and we embrace the longer, warmer days ahead. Spring is a time to shed the heavy layers of the past and embrace the lightness of new beginnings.

Spiritually, spring represents a time of growth and transformation. It is a time to focus on the inner work of planting seeds of intention and cultivating new ideas and possibilities. Just as the natural world comes alive with new growth and energy, we too can harness the vitality and creativity of spring to manifest our dreams and goals. Spring is a time to shed the old and embrace the new, to let go of what no longer serves us and welcome in the fresh energy of the season. By working with the natural cycles of spring, we can tap into the profound spiritual significance of this time and find inspiration for our own growth and transformation.

I had a truly unforgettable weekend in the Forest of Dean, collaborating with Wilde Earth Journeys to facilitate a workshop centered around connecting with the spirit of the Spring. This workshop was a wonderful combination of Spiritual Rewilding work, understanding Wild Rhythms, which involved walking the seasons and cycles of nature and understanding how we can reattune ourselves to these rhythms, and forest bathing, which allowed us to sit with the land in contemplation and connect with its wisdom.

Throughout the workshop, we also delved into shamanic journeying, a powerful technique that allowed us to connect more deeply with the spirit of the land and understand the messages that it had to share with us. By engaging in this journeying work, we were able to receive guidance and insights that we may not have otherwise been able to access.

Overall, this workshop provided a beautiful space for us to connect with nature, ourselves, and each other in a truly transformative way. Through our collaborative efforts, we were able to explore the cycles of the season and understand where we were in those cycles, as well as what seeds were just starting to germinate and what buds were opening for the year to come.

The message of lichen, of collaboration and mutualism, was definitely an inspiration for this workshop, as we saw how important it is to work with others and recognise the interdependence of all our modalities. The approach of Wilde Earth Journeys in connecting with the land through forest bathing and shamanic journeying complemented the Spiritual Rewilding teachings of Wild Rhythms in reattuning ourselves to the cycles of nature and understanding our place within them. It was wonderful to see these two approaches come together and support each other, reminding us of the importance of collaboration in our rewilding journey.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Wilde Earth Journeys, and we look forward to continuing our work in reattuning ourselves to the cycles of nature and deepening our connection with the land through future collaborations.

If you would like to explore the principles and practices connected with this work, of nature mindfulness and reattuning ourselves to the rhythms and cycles of nature, take a look at the Spiritual Rewilding online course, which teaches you these topics and practices, and much more.


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